VATICAN - The Year of St Paul: programme of initiatives at the Papal Basilica of St Paul's outside the Walls

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) -Cardinal Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St Paul's outside the Walls, presented the programme of initiatives planned by the Basilica for the Year of St Paul, announced by Pope Benedict XVI, 28 June 2008 - 29 June 2009.
Speaking at the Holy See Press Office the Cardinal Archpriest said the year will offer a series of invitations particularly to help Catholics rediscover the great figure of St Paul the Apostle, his tireless activity, his travels; reread and study his letters addressed to the first Christian communities; relive the early times of our Church; study St Paul's rich teaching; make a pilgrimage to his burial place and to the many places he visited; to vivify our faith and our role in the Church today in the light of his teaching and lastly pray and work for Christian unity in a united Church which is truly the "Mystical Body of Christ".
The programme includes daily Masses, special liturgies, prayer meetings, celebration of the Sacrament of Penance. The religious-cultural programme will include catechesis on the writings of St Paul, conferences, meditations, congresses, theological reflections, musical events. The programme of pilgrimages will include the Holy Father as the first pilgrim on 28 June to open the Year of St Paul, accompanied by representatives of other Churches and ecclesial communions. Instead of the opening of the Holy Door there will be a St Paul's Door and a St Paul's Flame which will burn all through the year.
Cultural and artistic initiatives include concerts, coining of medals, stamps and coins; publication of the Guidebook on St Paul's Basilica in various languages, a new edition of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of St Paul, a web site with information on celebrations, activities and initiatives.
After mentioning work of renovation and adaptation, completed, underway or planned, Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo illustrated the ecumenical for the Year of St Paul: all activities will be clearly ecumenical. Brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations will be invited to prayers for Christian unity. The Chapel of the Baptistery, situated between the Basilica and Cloister will be made into an ecumenical chapel available for non Catholic Christians, individuals and groups and also for prayers Catholics and other Christians without the celebration of the Sacraments. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 22/1/2008, righe 36, parole 481)
See Programme in Italian
