EUROPE/POLAND - The national office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Poland: greater human respect for the Holy Father, support for the initiative of Cardinal Ruini

Friday, 18 January 2008

Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - "We too, like many in the world and with the whole Church, followed through the media the deplorable situation in Rome” said National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Poland Mgr Jan Piotrowski. “The protest against the Pope's visit to La Sapienza University - staged by a small group of people and founded on false arguments - gave rise to sentiments of sadness. We express heartfelt support with the initiative of Cardinal Ruini”. “I myself and my collaborators here at the national office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Poland protest and demand greater human respect for our Holy Father. At the same time we ask Our Lord and Saviour that all may live true human values and Christian charity ”- Mgr Piotrowski affirmed -. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 18/1/2008; righe 10, parole 146)
