EUROPE/ITALY - Presidency of the Italian Bishops' Conference: “Benedict XVI subject to a grave refusal which reveals anti-democratic intolerance and cultural narrow-mindedness”. Cardinal Ruini invites Catholics of Rome to gather for the Sunday Angelus to show “affection and serenity, expression of joy which comes from having Benedict XVI as our Bishop and Pope”

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - With regard to the cancellation of the visit Pope Benedict XVI was due to make to Rome's La Sapienza University on 17 January, the presidency of the Italian Bishops' Conference issued the following statement: “Following a decision to cancel the Holy Father's planned visit to La Sapienza University on Thursday 17 January, the Presidency of the Italian Bishops' Conference wishes to express unconditioned support for Pope Benedict XVI subject to a grave refusal which reveals anti-democratic intolerance and cultural narrow-mindedness. All the more because the visit of the Holy Father was a cordial acceptance of an invitation from the University authorities, rendered ineffective by ideological and quarrelsome violence on the part of a few. We hope that with the restoration of the University's cultural identity and educational function, through the activity of the docents and responsible participation of the students, life in the college may once again resume that form of order necessary for cultural acquisition and discussion at the service of the individual and society. C.E.I. Presidency”
Cardinal Vicar Camillo Ruini has asked Catholics in Rome to be present for the midday Angelus prayer in St Peter's Square on Sunday 20 January. Here is the statement issued by the Vicariate of the diocese of Rome: “The Vicariate, in close connection with the competent bodies of the Holy See, followed the sad vicissitudes which led the Holy Father to cancel his visit to the La Sapienza University, to which he had been invited many months ago. Under these circumstances, which are a cause of suffering for our whole city, the Church in Rome wishes to express filial and total support for her Bishop, the Pope, and to express to Benedict XVI the love, confidence, admiration and gratitude which lies in the heart of the people of Rome. So that everyone may express these sentiments, I invite the faithful and all the people of Rome to come to St Peter's Square for the midday prayer of the Angelus on Sunday 20 January. This will be a gesture of affection and serenity, an expression of our joy for having Benedict XVI as our Bishop and our Pope. Camillo Card. Ruini” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 16/1/2008 - Righe 26; Parole 360)
