OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - “Who is my Neighbour?”: Catholic Bishops annual Social Justice Sunday Statement

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - A Statement on the themes of justice, development and peace has been issued by the Catholic Bishops of Australia in view of Social Justice Sunday on 30 September which the local Church celebrates every year. The Statement, titled this year “Who is my Neighbour?”, is prepared by the Bishops' Commission for Social presided by Bishop Christopher Sauders of the diocese of Broome.
The Statement is call to reflect on “diversity” in the community, in order to see “in every face the holy face of Christ”, insisting on multiculturalism, typical of Australia, as a source of enrichment and calling all Australians to show solidarity with those who are poor and marginalised and in need of help.
In these times “of hunger, war, terrorism and disease we are called to help our others and not act as people unable to share prosperity, ”, Bishop Saunders says in the introduction. Citing the passage in the Gospel of Luke which introduces the parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10, 29-37), Bishop Saunders urges Australians to ask themselves the same question and to reflect on the answer Jesus gives.
In his letter to present Social Justice Sunday Statement, Archbishop Philip Wilson, President of the Bishops' Conference says, "Australia and Australians have a responsibility to be good global citizens: we have responsibilities beyond our national borders. This year's Social Justice Sunday Statement is a call for us Australians to act more in the interest of our neighbours who do not share our prosperity and security, an invitation to consider the way we live and as individuals and as a nation”. The Archbishop says the statement focuses on global issues of social justice which Australians can help to face in order to promote common good.
(PA) (Agenzia Fides 18/9/2007 righe 27 parole 267)
