EUROPE/ITALY - Xaverian Missionaries: to be ordained this Summer 13 young men from Indonesia, Mexico, Bangladesh, Cameroon and Spain

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - At the end of a year of formation and study during the Summer 13 deacons of the Xaverian Missionaries will receive priestly ordination. The young men are from various different countries and completed their theological studies in the Xaverian Missionaries' five international communities in Cameroon, Mexico, United States, Italy and the Philippines. According to the Missionari Saveriani periodical five of the new missionaries are from Indonesia, five from Mexico and one from Bangladesh, Cameroon and Spain.
The Congregation of St Francis Xavier for Foreign Missions, better known as the Xaverian Missionaries was founded by Blessed Guido Maria Conforti (1865-1931) on 3 December 1898. Today there are 848 Xaverians in 146 communities (Annuario Pontificio 2007). They recently held their 15th general chapter on the theme of Xaverian Spirituality (see Fides 13/3/2007 and 12/7/2007) which re-confirmed Fr Rino Benzoni Superior general for another mandate. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 18/7/2007; Righe 12; Parole 147)
