ASIA/SYRIA - The "road map" of Father Jacques Mourad, Archbishop of Homs
by Father Jihad Youssef
monk of the Community of Deir Mar Musa
Homs (Agenzia Fides) - These are peculiar days for Christians in Syria and also for us of the monastic community of Deir Mar Musa. Our brother, the monk ...
ASIA/CAMBODIA - 95 young catechumens in the community of Phnom Penh
Phnom Penh (Agenzia Fides) - They symbolically knocked on the doors of the Church to ask to be admitted to the last stage of their preparation for Baptism. They are 95 young Cambodian catechumens who, in the Apostolic Vi ...
ASIA/JORDAN - Archbishop Dal Toso takes office as Apostolic Nuncio
Amman (Agenzia Fides) - On the evening of March 1 Archbishop Giampietro Dal Toso arrived in Amman where he will take up his duties as Nuncio Apostolic to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. As the news portal "" ...
2 March 2023
ASIA/MYANMAR - The Lenten charity of Burmese Catholics
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - During Lent, Catholic communities collect donations for displaced people and those living in poverty in the forests, victims of the ongoing civil war in Myanmar. "In the Catholic churches of Myan ...
ASIA - Asian Churches: it is time to "widen the tent"
Bangkok (Agenzia Fides) - Catholic communities in Asia are called to "widen the space of their tent", to extend it to the needy, the marginalized, to all those, including non-believers, who need and await Christ Jesus' p ...