Rome (Fides Service) – “Spirituality of Communion for a world of solidarity” is the theme of an international congress organised by the Service of Community Animation of the Movement Mondo Migliore, 9-12 October at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
Some 400 people from more than one hundred different dioceses all over the world are expected to attend. Participants will reflect on the quality and impact of their life as members of the Church. Special guests will include Cardinal Paul Poupard President of the Pontifical Council for Culture and Mgr Giuseppe Betori, secretary general of the Italian Bishops’ Conference.
The aim of Mondo Migliore, born around Jesuit father Riccardo Lombardi is to organise initiatives to increase awareness in view of renewal in the Church and the world, gathered around a mission expression of the conscience and voice of the Church regarding the vocation to holiness. The members of the movement are expressions of the different vocations present in the Church and each of them retains their own condition and community of origin whose vocation he or she is called to express in the group.
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