ASIA/LEBANON - Joint appeal by religious leaders: “God give our people hope to withstand this catastrophe”

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 wars   middle east   oriental churches   dialogue   international politics  

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - Lebanese homeland is wounded, "and the wound infects each of us". With these words, Maronite Patriarch Béchara Boutros Raï began his speech at the opening of the extraordinary Summit of religious leaders convened at the Patriarchate of Bkerké to jointly assume "spiritual, moral and national responsibility" in the face of the ongoing military offensives of the Israeli forces on Lebanese territory.
Faced with the current situation in the Land of Cedars, the representatives of the various religions in Lebanon have put aside mutual distrust and controversy. At the summit in Bkerké (see photo), representatives of all religious communities in Lebanon were present. Among those taking part in the summit were the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch Yohanna X. Yazigi, the Druze Sheikh Akl Sami Abi el-Mona, the Sunni Mufti Abdul Latif Daryan, the Vice President of the Shiite Higher Islamic Council Ali el-Khatib, the President of the Alawite Islamic Council Ali Qaddour and the President of the Supreme Synod of the Evangelical Community in Lebanon and Syria Joseph Kassab. Also present was the Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon, Archbishop Paolo Borgia.
The summit participants - according to a statement from the meeting - discussed in detail "the barbaric and brutal aggression that Israel has carried out and continues to carry out against Lebanon, ignoring international treaties and laws, in particular the Charter of Human Rights, the United Nations and the UN Security Council and their resolutions, and committing violence, destruction, killing, genocide and destruction of structures, facilities and homes, after completely destroying the Gaza Strip, killing children, women and the disabled, and destroying hospitals, mosques and churches." Christian and Muslim religious leaders jointly expressed their condolences for "the martyrs of the homeland who sacrificed their lives in defense of Lebanon, and for the innocent victims among the civilian population, women, children, the disabled and the elderly" and asked "Almighty God to heal the wounded and grant them a speedy recovery." The "barbaric Israeli aggression against Lebanon," the statement continues, "affects the whole of Lebanon and undermines the dignity and pride of all Lebanese and of the Lebanese people," who "thanks to their unity" are able to "resist and repel the enemy." The solutions for Lebanon, the leaders of the Lebanese religious communities emphasize, "cannot and must not be other than comprehensive national solutions based on compliance with the Lebanese Constitution, the Taif Agreement, the sole authority of the Lebanese state, its free choice and its responsible role in protecting the country and national sovereignty."
The second part of the communiqué summarizes in nine points the requests, admonitions and wishes of the Lebanese religious leaders, who first call on the United Nations Security Council "to meet immediately and without delay to take the decision to impose a ceasefire and end this humanitarian massacre of Lebanon."
Lebanese citizens are called upon to put aside disputes and quarrels, saying that this is "not the time for sterile discussions" but the time to accept sacrifices and unite "to save Lebanon". They are again called upon to break free from political and institutional paralysis by supporting "the immediate election by the House of Representatives of a President of the Republic who enjoys the confidence of all Lebanese", in the "spirit of the National Pact". They are reminded of the urgency of strengthening the Lebanese army's defence capabilities. They thank the population for their generous reception of the displaced and thank "the Arab brother countries and friendly countries for their friendly initiatives towards Lebanon, for their political support and their material, medical and food aid". Thanks are also given to the United Nations military contingents (UNIFIL) operating in southern Lebanon "for the efforts and sacrifices they make to protect Lebanon's southern borders and the people of this region", and appreciation is given to "their persistence in their positions despite the unjustified Israeli harassment and warnings aimed at eradicating all witnesses to the brutal massacres they are committing against our homeland". Finally, it is reiterated that "the central issue around which most questions in the Arab region revolve is the just Palestinian cause". At the end of their joint message, the Lebanese religious leaders (Christians, Muslims, Druze) together ask “God, the God of peace, to bless us with a just, lasting and comprehensive peace and to make us peacemakers”. They ask the Almighty to "protect Lebanon and the Lebanese from all evil and give our people the ability and hope to resist this catastrophe". (GV) (Agenzia Fides, 16/10/2024)
