ASIA/SINGAPORE - Season of Creation 2023: Looking at God in nature

Friday, 15 September 2023 laudato sì   safeguarding creation  

[Coleen Rivas su Unsplash]

Singapore (Agenzia Fides) - As part of the "Season of Creation" 2023 (September 1st to October 4th), the Catholic community in Singapore wants to accompany Catholics and non-Christians and especially young people when it comes to contemplating God in nature and to regain direct contact with nature. This path is inspired by the Encyclical Laudato Si' and refers to the Canticle of Creatures of St. Francis of Assisi, which gave a key to understanding the spiritual relationship of every human being with nature: a work of God, in which the miracles of the Creator are praised. The youth movement "Green Movement" of the St. Ignatius Parish in Singapore, which works to promote awareness and care for creation in accordance with the vision of "Laudato Si', prepared a "Creation Path" on the theme "Let justice and Peace flow", taken from the Bible passage of the prophet Amos (Am 5,24). The invitation to follow the path was spread both through announcements and notices in the parishes and via social media: it is aimed at everyone and is aimed at groups or families. The movement invites believers and all people of goodwill to advocate for climate and environmental justice and to raise awareness for the communities most affected by the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity. This is true, for example, in many countries in Asia, where local communities, often very poor and vulnerable, fall victim to natural disasters and the consequences of climate change. The awareness and educational initiatives are also aimed particularly at children, inviting them to explore green spaces and come into direct contact with nature. In this context, the young people also recall the words of Pope Francis, who wrote in his message for the Season of Creation: "If we seek first the Kingdom of God (Mt 6:33), by having a right relationship with God, human beings and nature, then justice and peace can flow, like an inexhaustible stream of pure water that nourishes humanity and all creatures".
As part of the Creation Time awareness campaign in Singapore's Catholic community, numerous other activities were launched, including a tree planting event organized by Caritas Singapore on September 16. There is also no shortage of reports in the Catholic and non-Catholic media that want to make non-Catholics aware of the initiatives. In a broadcast on "CatholicSG Radio", biologist Maxine Mowe, lecturer and researcher, and Juliana Foo, executive director of Caritas Singapore, explain how to actively participate in the initiatives during this special time dedicated to the preservation of creation, whereby Citizens of all ethnicities, cultures and religions should be addressed in Singapore's multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. (PA) (Agenzia Fides, 15/9/2023)

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