La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - In view of the National Day of Missionary Childhood (IAM), which in Bolivia will be celebrated on May 5, on the third Sunday of Easter, the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) published the material for animation on this year's theme: "We are baptized, we are missionaries" in reference to the Extraordinary Missionary Month (MMS) of October 2019.
"Pope Francis asks us to live this year as a very special year: the year in which the month of October will be a missionary month. But this year must be a missionary year", writes Mgr. Eugenio Scarpellini, National Director of the PMS of Bolivia, in the statement sent to Fides. "Our commitment as disciples of Jesus must be strongly doubled to reach all our friends, companions, families, neighbors, friends of the parish - he continues -. Let us not forget to open our hearts with affection and solidarity to all the children and adolescents in the world, to those who suffer, to those who are in the territories where there is war, to those who suffer from hunger, to those who suffer violence in their homes or in society and to sick children".
The material prepared for the missionary animation of children and adolescents is grouped into four areas: Missionary catechesis on the theme "We are baptized, we are missionaries". Missionary spirituality: "Let us live our baptism with Jesus". Missionary projection: "For baptism we are sent". Group life: "Renewing our baptism with joy". For each area some methodological notes, biblical passages, prayers, concrete commitments are indicated ...
The brochure also presents two figures of witnesses who lived their baptism as missionaries: Archbishop Oscar Romero and Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa. Suggestions are therefore proposed on how to live the MMS and on the itinerary of preparation of the Church in Bolivia, in addition to the prayer for the MMS. In conclusion, the statistics of the Church are reported, with data concerning the world population, Catholics, pastoral workers, ecclesiastical districts dependent on the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 10/04/2019)