Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - "Worried about the real threat of the virus, we invite all our communities to seek more information on the evolution of the situation and to continue to implement all necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus" write the Bishops of Guinea Bissau (His Exc. Mgr. José Camnate na Bissign, Bishop of Bissau, and His Exc. Mgr. Pedro Carlos Zilli, Bishop of Bafatá), in a letter to the faithful on the spread of the ebola virus. In the text sent to Fides Agency by the Curia of Bissau, the Bishops invite to put buckets with water and disinfectant at the entrance of churches and meeting places so that people wash their hands; to avoid gatherings; not to exchange the sign of peace during the celebration of the Holy Mass.
The two Bishops appreciate the commitment of the government, international organizations and religious communities to prevent the epidemic in Guinea Bissau, and note with satisfaction "the great effort" of parish communities to raise awareness. "Through Caritas Guinea-Bissau, the Justice and Peace Commission and Radio Sol Mansi - continues the text - will develop a training program that will allow our communities to actively participate in the awareness and prevention of the epidemic of Ebola and other epidemics. May all parishes and missions be open to the guidelines to be issued". The statement concludes: "As Christians, rooted in faith, we continue to ask the Lord to save our country from this disease and help us to find concrete forms of solidarity with the people most affected. Trusting in the God of life, we face this challenge with courage and foresight". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 19/09/2014)