Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - Several Catholic communities in mainland China have created the figure of the itinerant priest during Lent. According to what Faith of He Bei said, the priests of the diocese of Bayanur Meng (Shanba) of Inner Mongolia went in remote communities of the diocese to celebrate the Eucharist, to carry out catechesis and spiritual direction to the faithful. From February 17 to 21, the community of Tian Xing Quan, which has over 800 faithful but normally only managed by two nuns, welcomed a priest, who for 4 days celebrated the Mass and the sacrament of reconciliation for these simple but devoted peasants.
In the parish of San Sheng Gong from 13 to 17 February a Lenten retreat was held, which was attended by three 200 faithful. This was only possible thanks to a group of itinerant priests. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 07/03/2013)