Cang Zhou (Agenzia Fides) - The social institutes named after Saint Joseph are celebrating with intense prayers the month dedicated to their patron saint, Mary’s husband and Jesus’ foster father. According to what was reported to Fides by the diocese of Xian Xian (today Cang Zhou ), the Service Centre for the Elderly "S. Joseph" and the Orphanage S. Joseph of the diocese inaugurated the month dedicated to the Saint with a solemn procession, held on March 1 to celebrate their Patron saint. All elders, staff and nuns who run the two Catholic charities, along with hundreds of lay people, lived a Solemn Mass and participated in a procession until the public square of the city center, where there is a large statue of St. Joseph. Even many non-Catholics attended the procession and celebration.
The diocese of Xian Xian, which was the old Apostolic Vicariate of Tcheli-Southeast, today has 75,000 faithful, nearly 100 priests, 206 churches and chapels. The local Catholic community has sent dozens of priests and nuns to study abroad, with the help of the universal Catholic community. Each year, over one hundred new catechumens receive Baptism and become members of the Christian community.
(NZ) (Agenzia Fides 07/03/2012)