AFRICA/EGYPT-The event of May 13: "It was important, but it certainly did not deal a heavy blow to extremism", says a missionary from Cairo

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - " Support for the Palestinian cause prevailed, although there was the call for national unity" says Fr. Luciano Verdoscia to Fides, a Comboni missionary who has lived and worked in Cairo for years, commenting on yesterday's event, 13 May, which brought together thousands of people in Tahrir Square to support the national unity between Muslims and Christians and to recall the Palestinian issue. "In Egypt, as throughout the Middle East, the Palestinian issue is very sensitive, and is one of the major difficulties that need to be faced", explains Fr Luciano.
Recent clashes between Muslims and Copts have led some political leaders such as Mohammed El Baradei and other intellectuals, to support yesterday's event. "There are no decisive signs to say that the event dealt a heavy blow to Islamic fundamentalism", says the missionary. "However, I met several Muslims who are openly opposed to the fundamentalists. They do not want to be considered 'Salafis' because this word means 'tradition'. 'We belong to the tradition' say these critics, the so-called Salafis instead are linked to Islamic fundamentalism, which originated with the reform movement in the late nineteenth century", explains Fr Luciano.
According to the missionary, there are some encouraging signs that go in the direction of greater balance between the different components of Egyptian society, "the provisional government seems willing to want to face the law on the construction of churches, because there is obvious discrimination between Christians and Muslims, in the construction of churches and mosques. Then there is the great problem of freedom of conscience, which is related to sharia". "In Islam there is always the possibility of interpreting the Scriptures in one way or another", underlines Fr Luciano. "It is certain that fundamentalism sees a clear mission in the future: to take history in its hand". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/05/2011)
