AMERICA/BOLIVIA - The Catholic Church in Bolivia working for fair trade

Saturday, 8 May 2010

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) – May 8 marks the International Day of the Fair Trade and in Bolivia the anniversary was celebrated with a week of events and initiatives, promoted both by government officials and authorities of the Catholic Church.
The central event was held yesterday, May 7, at the headquarters of the Vice-President of the state and was attended by almost 200 representatives of manufacturers from all over Bolivia engaged in this activity. Fair Trade in Bolivia began in 2005 and almost 500,000 producers have joined this initiative.
Wilma Quinteros of CEPAS (Caritas) explained that "Fair Trade" includes economic initiatives based on reciprocity, on ancestral and cultural values. Fair trade is based on the proportion of direct sales from producers to consumers without intermediaries, which in most instances are those who inflate the price of products.
In the note sent to Fides from the Bolivian Bishops' Conference, we learn that on an international level, different chains have been created called "economic solidarity," which support fair trade initiatives.
Fair Trade is based on seven principles: creating opportunities for small producers in South America; transparency and accountability throughout the chain of commerce; capacity-building of producers; promoting fair trade; paying a fair price; gender equality; decent working conditions; no use of child labor; environmental conservation; cultural identity. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 05/08/2010)
