Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) –Cardinal Ivan Dias, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, on 8 May 2009 appointed Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Romanus Harjito, O.Carm. National Director the Pontifical Mission Societies for a five year term (2009-2014).
The new national director was born on 28 February 1963 in Curahjati, Banyuwangi, Eastern Java. He attended Catholic primary and secondary school and then entered the Minor Seminary of Malang (1979/1984) and then the Carmelite Novitiate at Batu, Malang (1984/86). He made his first vows among the Carmelites on 13 July 1986. He completed his studies in philosophy (1986/1989) and after a year of Pastoral Orientation, his theological studies (1990/1992) at STFT (Higher Institution for Philosophy and Theology) in Malang. He made his perpetual vows on 29 July 1991 and was ordained a priest on 17 September 1992 in Malang. Since his ordination he has served as assistant parish priest in the Archdiocese of Medan, he then continued his studies in Law in India (1995-1998). He was later Prior and Prefect of Dyonisius Carmelite Priory at Wairklau, Maumere, Flores; president of the Council for Religious Life of the district of Maumere; Reginoal Prior of the Carmelites for east Indonesia; Prefect of Carmelite students at Wairklau Priory, Maumere, Flores. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 26/6/2009; righe 16; parole 211)