Dossier - The Apostles of Jesus, Africa's first Religious Missionary Institute. 40th anniversary

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

The first African religious missionary Institute
The founders, Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi MCCJ and Father Giovanni Marengoni MCCJ
Charisma and Mission
Structure and administration
Apostolic Communities in the world and statistics
Activities, pastoral work, development programmes and assistance
The Evangelising Sisters of Mary, female branch
Association of the Friends of the Institute (AFAJ)

“Africa still need missionaries from the rest of the world, just as the rest of the world needs missionary from Africa”. Fides interviews Fr Speratus Kamanzi AJ, Superior General of the Apostles of Jesus ”.

“Even today I am still profoundly influenced by the missionary life of my uncle, Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi”. Interview with Fr Angelo Benolli OMV, director of Italia Solidale Onlus
