AFRICA/ANGOLA - a local report on the expelling of Congolese from Angola
Luanda (Agenzia Fides)- “With regard to Congolese diamond diggers expelled from Angola Fides received the following report from a local Church source. “There have been several rumours with regard to operation Brilhan ...
FIDES DOSSIER - Religions in the new Iraq
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In view of the tragic situation in Iraq and the growing weight which some Muslim leaders have assumed on the Iraqi scene, Fides has updated a Dossier "Iraq and Religions", produced in March ...
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Catholics to make a film on prison life in Nigeria
Lagos (Fides Service)- Prison apostolate is an important part of the activity of the local Catholic Church in Nigeria. “This apostolate involves visitation to warders and prisoners, trying to create an atmosphere of he ...