AFRICA/NIGERIA - Catholics to make a film on prison life in Nigeria

Friday, 23 April 2004

Lagos (Fides Service)- Prison apostolate is an important part of the activity of the local Catholic Church in Nigeria. “This apostolate involves visitation to warders and prisoners, trying to create an atmosphere of healthy and confident relationship and understanding” Father Felix Femi Ajakaye, head of the Nigerian Catholic Communications Office told Fides. “We hold talks, workshop and seminars within and outside the prisons and Eucharistic Celebrations, ecumenical services religious education and social get together are also organised”.
“Our aim is to make sure that prisons are not isolated and to prevent the inmates from being neglected and left to their fate. Our aim it to make the prison be and be known as a place of reform and orientation.” Father Felix told Fides.
“It is in line with this that the members of the Catholic Artists and Entertainers Association of Nigeria CAEAN, comprising broadcasters, musicians, home video actors and actresses and producers are now seeking funds to produce a film, From the Jaws of Death. CAEAN is an organisation co-ordinated by the Catholic secretariat of Nigeria CSN” Father Felix told Fides. Part of the film will be shot inside prison premises in order to enlighten people further on the actual purpose and operations of the prison. Once the funds are ready the film will be shot and its impact will be greatly and widely acknowledged and it should have wide coverage in Nigeria and abroad since home video production grows at a steady pace in our country” Father Felix concludes. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/472004, righe23 parole 267)
