Tirana (Fides Service) - Quiet and constant prayer is the strength of the Missionaries of Charity in Albania who care for the terminally ill, the elderly and the outcasts from society. Their prayers and those of the people they visit and treat day after day are offered in support and for the comfort of the Holy Father suffering himself at this moment. Those who suffer know what he is experiencing, one of the Sisters told Fides. In Albania, as in the rest of the world the Missionaries of Charity, true to the charisma of their founder Albanian born Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, care for those most unwanted by society: the terminally ill, mentally ill, abandoned old people, people without a family, a home, a job in this country struggling to overcome the damage done in years of dictatorship.
(PA) (Agenzia Fides 1/04/2005 Righe: 12 Parole: 121)