VATICAN - At the midday Regina Caeli prayer the Pope urges the faithful to pray for young men preparing for the priesthood, for Formators at Seminarians and for families “so that in families seeds of the call to the priestly ministry may continue to flower and ripen ”

Monday, 30 April 2007

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “All the faithful are encouraged to pray especially for vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life”: Pope Benedict XVI said as he prepared to lead the recitation of the midday Regina Caeli prayer with the crowds gathered in St Peter's Square on Sunday 29 April, the Church's World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
The Holy Father greeted affectionately the 22 new priests he had just ordained in the Basilica and he urged those present to “pray for those whom the Lord calls by name…that they may become "fishers of men", that is His closest collaborators for announcing the Gospel and the service of the Kingdom of God in our day”. In particular he asked those present to ask God to grant priests “the gift of perseverance: that they may remain faithful to prayer, may celebrate Holy Mass with every greater devotion, may live a life of listening to the Word of God and assimilate day by day the sentiments and attitudes of Jesus the Good Shepherd ”.
Then Pope Benedict XVI urged the faithful to pray for young men preparing for the priesthood, for Formators at Seminarians and for families “so that in families seeds of a call to the priestly ministry may continue to flower and ripen”. The theme of this year's Day of Prayer for Vocations, "The Vocation at the service of the Church as communion " , recalls the Vatican II affirmation which presents the mystery of the Church in our day, through the category of "communion". “In this perspective the rich variety of the gifts and ministries in the People of God assumes great importance- the Pope said -. All baptised Christians are called to participate in the work of redemption. In the Church however some vocations are specifically dedicated to the service of communion … At the heart of the Church as communion there is the Eucharist: all these different vocations draw from this supreme Sacrament the spiritual strength to constantly build up the one ecclesial Body in charity ”. The Pope concluded asking those present to pray for the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd “that she may help all to welcome with joy and willingness Christ's call to become His disciples”.(S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 30/4/2007; righe 26, parole 357)
