ASIA/INDIA - “Saint Francis Xavier a bridge between East and West

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Goa (Fides Service) - The figure of Saint Francis Xavier is fundamental in dialogue between East and West, it emerged from an international conference held recently in Goa, as a conclusion to celebrations for the 5th centenary of the Saint’s birth in 1506. The conference brought together academics, scholars, intellectual and theologians of India, Europe and Latin America.
The title of the Conference organised by the Xavier Centre for Historical Research in Goa, in collaboration with Navarra Universities in Delhi, Mumbai, Goa, was “building a bridge between Europe and Asia: Saint Francis Xavier: 5th centenary”.
In the presence of prominent civil, political and religious figures the participants said that Saint Francis Xavier transcends the border of his times and acquires a universal value also for the present day, above all because he sought to establish deep bonds between religion and culture in a vision which was farsighted.
Indian intellectuals stressed the importance of what Saint Francis Xavier did at the cultural level and how his thought and his activity had a positive influence on relations between Christianity and Hinduism. “He clearly demonstrated that East and West can be joined by religion”, said Prof. Kala Acharya of Mumbai. Focussing on the contribution which Jesuits have made to Indian history and since, Jesuit Father Jose Kalapura recalled Saint Francis Xavier contribution to since, geography, cartography and astronomy.
The acts of the conference will be made public soon, the organisers announced . (PA) (Agenzia Fides 6/2/2007 righe 25 parole 250)
