AFRICA/SUDAN -International community alarm for Darfur: massacre of civilians continues

Wednesday, 13 September 2006

Khartoum (Agenzia Fides)- “I saw Sudanese Antonov preparing for an attack. It reminded me of the situation in 2003. The message is clear: there will be attacks on civilians and civilian zones” said European Union special envoy Pekka Haavisto, who warns about the situation in the western Sudan region of Darfur, the scene of a most serious humanitarian crisis for three years caused by attacks on civilians by pro-government militia.
At the end of August staff of the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) operating in Darfur reported that security in the region had deteriorated particularly in the northern region of Mellit. The peace agreement signed on May 5 this year did nothing to help to stabilise the situation . “Three militia groups which did not sign the agreement joined to form the National Redemption Front (NRF) unleashing violence and taking control of considerable territory”, said JRS project director in Sudan Elaine Jepsen, on 28 July. Ms Jepsen also reported a concentration of government troops and army trucks in the area of Mellit, apparently preparing an attack on that town. Two daily flights deliver arms and night flights bring soldiers from Khartoum.
Statements issued on 23 August by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in southern Darfur confirmed what JRS staff saw in the field. IRC personnel say that more than 200 women were raped in and around Kalma Camp, the largest of refugee camps in Darfur. An alarming report and another proof that the situation in the region is ever more serious.
At El Kasher cases of cholera have been registered and the World Health Organisation and UNICEF have asked JRS to include in its school classes also instructions on how to prevent cholera “We are considering this request”, Ms Jespen said.
In Darfur tens of thousands of people have been killed and 2.5 have fled their homes since rebel groups took up arms in 2003. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating to verify if war crimes have been committed in the region. The government of Sudan has refused to comply with a recent UN Security Council resolution to deploy 20,000 UN peacekeepers in Darfur. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 13/9/2006 righe 36 parole 457)
