EUROPE/GERMANY - World Day for former Child Soldiers: China Keitesti tells of her sad experience at a meeting of the Pontifical Mission Societies

Wednesday, 8 February 2006

München (Fides Service) - On the occasion of World Day for Child Soldiers 12 February the national office for Pontifical Mission Societies in Germany missio München has organised an ecumenical service on Saturday 11 February in the Basilica of Saint Boniface in Munich followed by a meeting and testimony from former child soldier in Uganda China Keitetsi who will speak about her ordeal.
China Keitetsi is ambassador of an ecumenical initiative “Action Goal - No War with Children” in aid of programmes to assist former child soldiers. The initiative, organised jointly by PMS Germany, the Lutheran Church of Baviera and Adveniat the German Catholic Bishops’ charity organisation, was launched in view of the FIFA football World Cup in Germany this Summer. The initiative, which includes various talks by China Keitetsi, aims to spread awareness of the situation of over 300,000 child soldiers in various different countries.
China Keitesi was born in 1976 in Uganda. When she was 8 years old she fled from a violent father at home and fell into the hands of the National Resistance Army (NRA) rebels. She lived a life of violence and abuse until she was 19 when she escaped to South Africa, where however she was maltreated by the Ugandan secret services. At last in 1999 with the help of a few committed people and the support of the United Nations she reached Denmark where she lives today, visiting now and then Germany and the country of her parents Rwanda. China Keitetsi, has written a book “They took away my mother and handed me a rifle” and is personally committed to fighting the phenomenon of child soldiers. In this work she has the backing of various international organisations. (MS) (Agenzia Fides, 07/02/2006 - 27 righe, 372 parole)
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