OCEANIA/NEW ZEALAND - New Zealand Catholic newspaper and sister NZ Catholic website

Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Auckland (Fides Service) - On the feast of Saint Francis de Sales, patron of journalists New Zealand’s national Catholic newspaper launched its new website.
The website www.nzcatholic.org.nz offers local and international news, a range of other features including texts of daily Mass readings and links to syndicated columnists. One interesting local content is a thInk Page which collects the thoughts of a group of young NZ Catholics.
The Auckland based newspaper and website has the approval of the Bishop Patrick Dunn. For founding Editor Mr Pat McCarthy the development of the site has been a labour of love. “The aim, he said, was to develop a vision for the NCZ catholic site that would be complementary to the newspaper and support its mission. In fact most of the content of NZ Catholic newspaper will not appear on the website and most of the website content will not be in the paper”.
For his part Webmaster James Bergin said the “website’s use of ease is very important”. He is convinced the website will be a huge asset to Catholics throughout New Zealand. “This website is a big step forward for the Catholic Church in New Zealand” he said. “Every NZ Catholic now has an invaluable information asset that I’m sure will continue for many years to come to add values and help spread the message of Christ and his Church”. (Agenzia Fides 24/1/2006 righe 21 parole 213)
