ASIA/MALAYSIA - Mercy at the center of the Malaysian Youth Day

Thursday, 16 June 2016 youth   jubilee of mercy  

Kotakinabalu diocese

Kota Kinabalu (Agenzia Fides) - It was a pilgrimage and an experience centered on the theme of mercy - this is what more than two thousand young Catholics from Malaysia, gathered in the Sabah province (in Malaysian Borneo) lived on the occasion of the provincial Youth Day, which took place from 6 to 10 June. As reported to Fides by the local Church, young people from 34 parishes in the three dioceses of Sandakan, Keningau and Kota Kinabalu, lived an intense period of preparation at a local level before meeting in Tawau (in the diocese of Kota Kinabalu), where the central theme was the Gospel verse "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy".
In the Year of Mercy, "the young have been touched by the infinite mercy of God, so that they in turn can become apostles of mercy with actions, words and prayers in the world wounded by egoism, hatred and desperation" reads a note from the local Church, sent to Fides.
Young people brought the Cross and the icon of Mary, Mother of Mercy in procession, and lived liturgical moments, catechesis and charity, on the model of the World Day of Youth. The vast majority of them will not be able to participate at the event for economic reasons, to be held in Poland. Among those present, the Apostolic Nuncio in Malaysia, His Exc. Mgr. Joseph Marino, who presided at the opening Mass. Speaking of mercy, the Archbishop invited the youth to be "witnesses of Christ, to live your faith, mercy and love". The young were able to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and many priests were available for spiritual talks. The event is organized every four years and hosted alternately by the Diocese of Sabah province. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 16/06/2016)
