Honiara (Fides Service) - Bishop Epalle School in Rove Honiara and Trinity School in Sale in Australia have established a new sister relationship which ties a double knot between the schools, pupils and teachers and help both schools share ideas and cultures in view of the education of the students.
The relationship is the result of a partnership between the Archdiocese of Honiara Catholic Education Authority and Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Office. Mrs. Mary Laore, Deputy principal of the primary section said that the programme will help boost the moral of the primary teachers with extra knowledge and skills needed by both teachers and students which can be achieved through such sister relationship. “I am optimistic that the seed planted today will help the education system in our country”, said Mrs. Laore. “Young teachers in the country need to be motivated and boosted and relationship gives us hope and keeps us focused on our jobs”, said Loveridge Roau, Modesta Hasiau and Martina Kuibae of the Primary division. The mark the occasions, schools banners were exchanged, custom dancing performed by the students and a lunch was hosted by Bishop Epalle School.
Youth Pastoral is a priority for the Church in Solomons Islands where violence among youth is a problem, also because of recent civil strife. Education is necessary to build a future of prosperity and Catholic schools provide a valuable and appreciated service for the formation of youth and cultural growth of the people in general. Catholic schools give special care to the spiritual dimension of education and highlighting the role and value of the teacher. The work of teachers is determinant for the future of every society.(PA) (Agenzia Fides 19/10/2005 righe 26 parole 278)