Rome (Fides Service) - The earthquake in Pakistan Kashmir on 8 October involved local NGOs working in partnership with AIFO (Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Follereau) Rehabilitation and Community Development Programme.
Since 1998 AIFO supports activity for the social promotion of people with a disability and women in the following provinces of Pakistan: North West Front Province (NWFP), Punjab province, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Kashmir province. The see of the local partner (ARPD) is in Peshawar. The team project members are mainly women and their task is to organise meetings for women to teach them how to care for children and the family: hygiene, feeding, vaccinations, prevention of disability. Small groups of women with a disability focus on the dignity of women and how women can promote development in their own village. ARPD is also involved n therapy producing its own equipment for physiotherapy and sharing knowledge with the families of disabled persons. The programme assists 150,000 people.
All the activities of the project focus on the difficult situation of women in Pakistan, who have little personal independence, and access to education and healthcare. Many of these groups of women and disabled persons are in the region of Kashmir. AIFO has assigned 10,000 Euro for emergency relief for earthquake victims. (AP) (13/10/2005 Agenzia Fides; Righe:23; Parole:267)