AFRICA/BURUNDI - A situation that seems beyond control

Monday, 9 November 2015 area crisis  

Bujumbura (Agenzia Fides) - "The ultimatum expired on Saturday, but no one knows what the consequences are. It seems that the government is afraid", Church sources in Bujumbura, capital of Burundi told Agenzia Fides, where on Saturday, November 7 the ultimatum launched by the government of President Pierre Nkurunziza's against the armed opposition to lay down their weapons expired (see Fides 06/11/2015). "The feeling is that the situation is beyond control". Security forces, however, have conducted checks and searches in neighborhoods of the capital considered bastions of the rebellion".
"Ten people were killed on November 7, the discovery of new bodies killed during the night happens everyday. This morning shots were heard in another neighborhood of Bujumbura, and the inhabitants of the neighborhoods of the opposition are leaving their homes to seek refuge in areas considered a bit 'safer', refere Fides sources.
The Burundian crisis which broke out following the third term of Nkurunziza, in violation of the Constitution and the peace agreements of Arusha, arouses deep concern in the Great Lakes and in the international community. The Church has organized a novena for peace from November 13 to 22. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 09/11/2015)
