Rome (Fides Service) - Kenya is launching two urgent anti-polio vaccination campaigns in August and September to prevent one million children from catching the polio virus which continues to spread in neighbouring countries.
The polio virus has been registered in Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen and to prevent an outbreak in Kenya the health ministry with partner agencies will vaccinate 920,528 under five living in 20 high risk istricts in povinces of the north east, the east, the coastal region and in Nairobi.
Outbreaks of polio in central and west Africa in 2003, 2004 caused the virus to spread in Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Rep., Chad, Cote d’Ivoire , Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Mali, SaudiArabia , Sudan, Togo and Yemen, 16 countries never affected before.
The 1.5 million dollar campaign is being launched with the help of the UN World Health Organisation and UNICEF. According to the World Move to Eradicate Polio the first case in Kenya was registered in1993.
(AP) (25/7/2005 Agenzia Fides ; Righe:19; Parole:211)