Rome (Fides Service) - According to a report by the United Nations nanotechnology of the future which purifies water, provides energy and grows food could benefit poor countries and help attain the UN’s Millennium Goals.
This science of the infinitely small is already applied to computer displays, non-scratch paint, heart valves, but research in this field could have an impact on all sectors of technology with significant developments.
In particular a Brussels plan to develop nanotechnology intends to increase commitment to apply the science of the infinitely small to the sector of healthcare and environment protection and to develop technology in certain key sectors such as nanomedicine, nanoelectronics and sustainable chemistry.
Most research on nanotechnology has been done in the North but there exist important potential applications to meet needs for energy, health and food in the South. (AP) (15/6/2005 Agenzia Fides; Righe:18; Parole:170)