AFRICA/DR CONGO - After lengthy delay polling station distribution law approved

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides)- The date, 25 October, set for local elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo appeared to be definitively jeopardised, according to a note sent to Fides by the Peace for Congo Network, regarding delayed approval of a law regarding the distribution of polling booths. The bill was finally approved at the last minute on 11 August.
According to the election calendar made public on 12 February by the Electoral Commission the plan for the distribution of voting stations for local elections was due to be presented to parliament by the government before 21 March, then approved by parliament by 5 April and promulgated by the Head of State before 20 April.
"Why such delay on the part of Government and, in particular on the part of the Minister of the Interior?" the report asks.
Here too the answer is simple: either the Minister of the Interior is unable to supply information regarding the territorial division of the country or the government, succubus of the Presidential Majority, is simply trying to postpone elections, including presidential and legislative votes in November 2016, to enable the present head of state Kabila to remain in power even after 2016 when his second mandate expires and he will not be allowed to run for elections for a third mandate, since Congo’s Constitution foresees only two mandates. Kabila attempted to change the constitution so he could stand for election in 2016 (a scenario similar to the one in neighbouring Burundi) but he met with fierce protests from both the Opposition and civil society (see Fides 24/1/2015).
Regarding elections for provincial MPs, according to a global electoral calendar issued by the electoral commission, they are to be held at the same time as local elections. As a result the delay accumulated for the organisation of local vote, will necessarily weigh also on provincial elections.
“At this point the electoral commission charged with the organisation of the voting, should allow its autonomy and independence to prevail and decide to go ahead with the electoral process preparing first the elections that can be organised, starting with those of provincial MPs, national senators, province governors, and then the 2016 presidential and legislative elections, postponing 2017 the local vote” the note suggests.
The approval of the law on the distribution of polling stations appears at last to put the electoral process back on track (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 18/8/2015)
