AMERICA - Bishops Emeritus continue to give their contribution

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - After the first meeting of the Bishops Emeritus of Latin America, held in Bogota in March (see Fides 04/03/2015), Father José Gregorio Melo Sánchez, Secretary of the Ecclesial Communion and Dialogue Department of CELAM, coordinator of this event, sent Fides his interview to the Catholic media in which he presents an evaluation of the initiative.
"The conclusions of this meeting can be identified in 3 elements that will serve as a guide for the future: permanent formation, health care, spiritual and pastoral commitment that the Bishops Emeritus may continue to offer the continent" said Fr. Melo Sánchez .
Of the 30 participants in this first meeting, a group has already collaborated and worked with the Commissions of the Episcopal Conferences and another group continues to offer a pastoral service in his particular Church. The final proposal was to establish a center, commission or council, where the Bishops Emeritus may merge to continue to give their contribution, through tips and advice, to the pastoral work in the different realities of the continent. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 16/04/2015)
