Kadugli (Agenzia Fides) - The inhabitants of the town of Kadugli, Abu Jubaiha and Habila, Southern Kordofan, have complained about the appearance of a fever unknown to them. Meanwhile, the local Ministry of Health has been informed about the spread of this potentially deadly hemorrhagic fever, known as leishmaniasis and have sent a team of doctors. The symptoms reported by people are high fever, vomit and headache. The mortality rate is increasing, there is lack of medicines and medical centers. The Minister of Health in the Country has declared the contagion of 25 people who are isolated in hospitals, but so far there have been no deaths. The government has told health officials to intensify surveillance in areas where the disease has been recorded, including the three locations indicated. According to WHO, the definition of viral hemorrhagic fever refers to very serious diseases that can be caused by various viruses. Visceral leishmaniasis, also known as "black fever", is a parasitic disease that kills almost all of those who contract it. It is caused by the bite of a pappataceo. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 12/11/2014)