Rabat (Agenzia Fides) – In Morocco in recent decades good progress has been made in the field of healthcare for women and children. Nevertheless the rate of mother-child mortality remains concerning, especially when taking into account that 93% of the deaths could be avoided and 73% takes place in healthcare centres. Moreover Morocco is the country in the region with the highest rates of incidence and mortality for cervical and uterine cancer, the second most frequent type of cancer in women. To improve assistance during and after childbirth is therefore a priority in order to combat the phenomenon. To this end, about two years ago, programmes were launched to improve both healthcare centres and formation for health workers. Some 369 persons, 70% women, received specialist training, in specific areas of healthcare: emergency care in obstetrics and in care of the new born, control of cervical cancer and intensive care for new born babies. The programme also introduced new technologies to serve for the formation of healthcare experts by means of an on-line platform and the distribution of 8 sessions of courses aimed at combatting cervical and uterine cancer in Morocco. (AP) (31/5/2014 Agenzia Fides)