Luanda (Agenzia Fides) - The conference on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Christian Association of Managers and Executives (ACGD, in Portuguese), on the theme "Truth and ethics, challenges for African leaders" opens tomorrow, February 14, in Luanda. According to a statement sent to Fides Agency, during the conference we will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of ACGD, and will reflect on truth and ethics "as cross-cutting dimensions for the sustainability of organizations, political institutions and interpersonal relationships and as a challenge in African societies". The objectives of the conference are the strengthening of relations among the members of the ACGD; the consolidation of ties between the ACGD and sister and Portuguese-speaking organizations in Africa; the dissemination of the values of the Catholic organization (ethics, virtue and mission) in Angolan society. Angola is a very rich Country in resources, but these are poorly distributed. Proper ethics in the business world and politics can help to correct this situation. (L.M) (Agenzia Fides 13/02/2014)