Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - "These attacks will hit back those who committed them". This is Fr. Rafic Greiche’s belief, spokesman of the Catholic Bishops of Egypt. "Television continues to send images of demonstrations against the Muslim Brotherhood, considered responsible for acts of terrorism. People are fed up", the priest said in a telephone interview with Fides from Cairo, where today a series of bomb attacks have struck the police headquarters in the Egyptian capital, a police station in Giza, and a police patrol. The most serious attack, against the police headquarters, was committed by a suicide bomber in a car filled with explosives. The explosion was so violent that it seriously damaged the Islamic art museum.
A total of 5 people have died and hundreds have been injured.
"There are massive demonstrations like those seen in Tahrir Square, which is closed in anticipation of the third anniversary of the fall of Mubarak, tomorrow January 25", said the priest .
"I am convinced that the violence committed by those who want to throw Egypt into chaos, will have an impact against its authors, because the Egyptians want peace", concludes Fr. Greiche. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 24/01/2014 )