Accra (Agenzia Fides) - Ghana needs a "new evangelization" in the light of social changes that the country is facing. This was stated by the Conference of Bishops of Ghana in the statement sent to Fides Agency at the end of the meeting held from 8 to 16 November on the theme "The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith in Ghana".
"Ghana is a peaceful Country, emerging at an economic level, and it is a deeply religious nation" say the Bishops. But in spite of several positive signs (strong participation of the faithful in religious services, prayer moments at a national level, etc. ..) the Bishops recognize the need for a new evangelization "because the social, cultural, economic situation and political life of Ghana is making the profound encounter with Jesus Christ very difficult".
This is demonstrated by the fact that traditional national values are being lost (respect for others, especially for the most vulnerable, contempt for the robbery, etc ...).
The same traditional family is threatened by "patterns of family life that are incompatible with God’s plan and will.
One of the most serious challenges to evangelization is money, that - write the Bishops "has taken the central place of every aspect of our lives. The desire to obtain money immediately and by any means is causing severe social costs and severe suffering to the poor. We note with sadness the growing inequalities in our society fueled by corruption and other forms of lawlessness".
For this reason, particular attention will be given to evangelization in the political field so that the Country's leaders are "men and women of proven integrity animated by a sincere love for the welfare of the people they govern".
The message ends with a strong call to prayer so that the path of evangelization starts off from a personal encounter with the Lord. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 19/11/2013)