Bangui ( Agenzia Fides) - A delegation from the diocese of Bouar went to Bohong (80 km from Bouar, in the west of the Central African Republic) where on Sunday, August 18 priests and nuns of the Sœurs de la Charité were forced to escape (see Fides 22/08/2013) .
According to a statement sent to Fides Agency, the delegation before arriving in Bohong went to Forte, a village that lies on the road , where in front of the church of Baptists met a group of about fifty people gathered to carry out a census of the displaced returnees from the forest and the burned houses. These are 206.
"Crossing the village of Forte, we looked at the houses destroyed and we thought about the suffering of people who, during the rainy season have to hide in the forest, and who on their return to their village will only find scenes of desolation" refers the statement.
The most serious tragedy began at the entrance of Bohong" continues the statement. "There, no thatched house was spared, belonging to the non-Muslim inhabitants called "Gbaya" by the military of Seleka from abroad. The whole city (except the Muslim part) one saw the same scene: houses with no roof, blackened walls and empty. No noise, no conversations, no joy".
In the village of Bohong, the delegation was able to see that in the parish of Ste Jeanne Antide Thouret, "the tabernacle and the altar, were in good condition , without any damage. But, in the sacristy all objects of worship and liturgical books were thrown on the ground". "The Chapel of the Nuns had instead been desecrated: the tabernacle broken open, the consecrated hosts thrown to the ground ..."
Among the buildings which were looted: the Catholic school, the dispensary and the women's college. A group of brave believers stands guard to prevent further desecration of the remaining structures of the Church.
Other Christian denominations suffered similar damage. The statement concludes, however, with a note of hope: "the religious platform formed in Bouar in July will also work for reconciliation and peace between the different religious confessions present in Bohong and nearby villages". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 31/08/2013)