Chipata (Agenzia Fides) - After a long period of preparation and numerous meetings with local authorities and the community, the first kindergarten in Mchini-Kachere was opened, an example of pre-primary school, in the area of Chipata, the capital of Eastern Province of the Country. In just two months since the opening more than 40 enrollments have been made. The school, which is open at one of the three community mother-child centers of the NGO Association for Rural Cooperation in Africa and Latin America (ACRA)-CCS, is proving to be a real success. Many of the women who have enrolled their children are the mothers who previously benefited from the nutrition program of the NGO, others still have younger children in the program. The service is managed almost entirely by mothers through the local committee of parents, from eight in the morning until three in the afternoon. At the moment the school is not organized to provide lunch, so parents are also involved in bringing the children lunch and a little snack. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 02/08/2013)