Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - Caritas Spain adheres to the statement that Caritas Internationalis made during the 23rd session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations on the situation in Mali, and calls on the transitional authorities of the country and its population to carry out the presidential elections in a climate of transparency, security and tranquility. The note sent to Fides says that Caritas commends the authorities for convening the elections on July 28.
Caritas Spain has a long-term relationship with Caritas Mali, dating back to 2005, with the declared emergency as a result of the famine caused by drought and the invasion of locusts.
Since then, Caritas Spain has collaborated with Caritas Mali on three levels: in response to humanitarian crises that have emerged in the Country, supporting development projects aimed at addressing the structural causes of poverty (agricultural programs, water and sanitation, health and education) and strengthening teams of local diocesan Caritas.
Caritas Spain participated in the "Strategy for the Sahel" of the European humanitarian aid Agency (see Fides 24/06/2013), which aims to strengthen the links between humanitarian objectives and long-term development and, above all, to reduce malnutrition. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 27/07/2013)