ASIA/JORDAN - Christian Arab media: instruments of peace, not "self-referential" circuits

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Amman (Agenzia Fides) - At this time in history, the religious inspired media are called to choose between two opposing options: to serve the religion to which they refer "exploring its identity," or "destroy and subjugate religion to political interests". The conference organized by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Social Communications was held (10/11 June) in Amman. Christian and Muslim religious, intellectual and media workers from different Countries of the Middle East focused on the contents proposed by the speakers, the confernce hosted the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli (President of the Vatican Congregation for social Communications), the Jordanian Minister for Media and communication Mohammad Momani and Fr. Rifat Bader, director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media. In a note sent to Fides Agency, the participants appraised the potential of the Christian Arab media, that are called to come out from their self-referential circuits and to "be at the service of peace and justice" and offer themselves as a "space of communication between the Churches " and a tool for dialogue rather than confrontation with the Muslims,"with whom we share the bitter present moment as well as the past and the same fate." (GV) Agenzia Fides 12/06/2013).
