Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - In the Year of Faith, the priority for the Church is evangelization. This was stated by His Exc. Mgr. Yeom Soo-jung, Archbishop of Seoul, in a meeting with the clergy of his diocese. Before an assembly of more than 550 priests (out of a total of 700 priests in service in the diocese), the Archbishop remarked: "The most important thing today is the evangelization of our Church. It is essential for our own Church to continually change and reform in Christ. " As reported in a note sent to Fides by the Secretariat of the Archdiocese, the meeting was held on February 26 and was centered on the theme of "communication within the diocese", considered a crucial step in the life of the local Church. The meeting is part of the initiatives that the Church in South Korea has set up for the Year of Faith.
As Fides learns from Fr. Thaddaeus Lee Ki-rak, Executive Secretary of the Episcopal Conference, the motto of the Korean Church chosen to live the Year of Faith is "Principium quidam fides, finis vero caritas", a phrase of St. Ignatius of Antioch, which means "The principle is of course faith, but the end is love." "We hope that this motto can be a guide for the life of our Church," said Fr. Thaddaeus Lee Ki-rak in a statement sent to Fides. "We need to develop an attitude that helps us to carry out our mission with joy and fidelity: this is what is hoped for in the Year of Faith, in which we are called to do our best for the New Evangelization, new in ardor, methods and expression," the statement concludes. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/02/2013)