Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – During the present Year of the Faith, proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI, little children are among the protagonists in evangelising activities of the local Catholic Church in Lahore. Learning what it means to be a Christian and growing in the faith, Pakistan Catholic children soon become “real evangelisers”: said a source of the local Church which yesterday marked the annual “Missionary Childhood Day”. Fides was told that hundreds of children, led by Fr Francis Nadeem, OFM Cap, at St Joseph’s church, renewed the promise to live and to deepen the faith by taking part catechesis and study and bearing Christian witness in the family, at school, and in society. “Our children have an important role to play within the Christian community and in efforts to help other less fortunate children”, Fides was told by Fr. Nadeem, who added that he had encouraged to children to be “ever more involved in missionary activity, helping poor or disabled children or those who are forced to live on the streets and in this way help to improve society in Pakistan”. “You are the light of the world – he told the children– you are the light of the faith and the love and the peace which must spread throughout our society”.
At the end of a special Mass the children recited a simple prayer, attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, “Make me a channel of your peace”, and also offered special prayers for Pope Benedict XVI. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 18/2/2013