AFRICA/CONGO DR - Rwanda denies supporting the Congolese guerrilla

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - The government of Rwanda has denied with a note from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo, the allegations contained in a confidential report of the United Nations on the recruitment of Rwandan citizens to send in reinforcements to the M23 guerrilla movement operating in north Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (see Fides 24/05/2012). The M23 is described as a movement formed by Congolese soldiers, deserters.
According to reports from the BBC, which released the report, "the UN has questioned 11 fighters who have abounded their positions in the forests between the DRC and Rwanda. The report describes these defectors as Rwandan citizens recruited in Rwanda under the pretext of joining the national army, including a child," explains the television station.
"Some fighters said they were recruited in February," said the BBC. The clashes between the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) and the M23, officially formed on May 6, are concentrated in the Rutshuru territory, north of Goma, and more precisely in a limited area near the border with Rwanda and Uganda.
The statements of the UN’s confidential report have been widely reported on the Congolese press. "Classified as confidential, the UN report has highlighted the dangerous game of Rwanda it presents itself as the leading cause of insecurity that reigns constantly in eastern DRC. This document reinforces the conclusions of the report Mapping on the plundering of resources in the DRC (see Fides 07/05/2011), also this commissioned by the United Nations" writes the newspaper "Le Potentiel" in Kinshasa. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 29/5/2012)
