Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The standard of respect for human rights in Pakistan is largely insufficient, and two elements say it unequivocally: the limited funds and lack of independent organizations to monitor the situation. This is what is said in new reports released by Pakistani civil society organizations, gathered in a network that joins the Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Catholic Episcopal Conference.
In an exclusive report sent to Fides, titled "Budgeting for Rights", the "Human Rights Commission of Pakistan" (HRCP), one of the leading NGOs in the country, launches the alarm: investments for the human rights is in sharp decline at the federal and provincial level. In the year 2010-2011 - notes the text - the federal and provincial government allocated 21.5% for the protection of human rights, while in the year 2011-2012 the funds provided are lower by 20.9%. In total it is an expense which amounts to 4.6% of the gross domestic product. The HRCP, in its analysis, poses among the programs that fall within the sphere of human rights those in areas such as the rule of law, personal safety, education, healthcare, housing rights, respect for the environment, assistance for refugees, for natural disasters, for the right to work.
In a note sent to Fides, a network of 12 associations, including the Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Bishops, the institutions agree on the lack of commitment to defending human rights in Pakistan, calling for urgent action by the government to ensure citizens "rights enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan." NGOs call for "the rapid creation of autonomous and independent institutions," such as a "National Commission for Human Rights" which is a national authority in the field of reference. It is an "extremely necessary measure to improve the deplorable human rights situation," said the statement sent to Fides.
The text denounces, in particular, "serious violations of human rights on behalf of security forces and militant groups in Karachi, in the tribal areas (FATA) and in Baluchistan" and call for "legislative and administrative measures for the security and safety of human rights defenders (journalists, lawyers and activists)" and the punishment for the guilty.
The group of NGOs, also demand the federal government and provincial governments to enact measures implementing the law, approved in previous months, in favor of women's rights, reaffirming support for the law to stop domestic violence against women, currently under discussion in Parliament (see Fides 13/04/2012). (PA) (Agenzia Fides 02/05/2012)