Pontifical Urban University Press publishes annual -BIBLIOGRAPHIA MISSIONARIA LXVII 2003.

Friday, 24 September 2004

Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Pontifical Urban University has published its annual Bibliographia Missionaria LXVII 2003. The unique volume offers comprehensive documentation on books and articles on the missionary world from various aspects: history, missionary religious orders, mission territories, missionary methods, interreligious dialogue, ecumenism, new religious movements... Each year it offers a broad panorama works on missionary activity published by over 800 periodicals. The book is in English and the titles and quotes from books and articles are in the original language. Started by Father Johannes Rommerskirchen OMI, in 1925, since 1978 Bibliographia Missionaria has been a publication of the Pontifical Urban University. At present the volume is prepared by the university librarian Reverend Marek Rostrowski OMI,
This volume LXVII, lists 3,824 articles and essays on 22 different subjects including: theology mission, history of mission, present and future of mission, ecumenical dialogue and mission, religions in general, mission and atheism, mission and culture, situation of mission in the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania. Latin America, United States Canada, Australia. It also includes reviews on 40 books on missionary subjects and is completed with two ample indexes: names of authors, index of subjects. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 24/9/2004 - Righe 16; Parole 215).
