AFRICA/KENYA-New manual for the early diagnosis of leprosy

Monday, 23 April 2012

Rongo (Agenzia Fides) - The meetings for formation and distribution of a new manual for the medical staff of the Country, for the early diagnosis of leprosy has just concluded in Rongo, South Nyanza, Kenya. The text was prepared by the local Ministry of Public Health, funded by the Italian Friends of Raoul Follerau (AIFO), following a new agreement signed in 2011 between the Ministry and the AIFO. The five trainers and editors of the manual (doctors of the Ministry) were present at the meetings not only to train the staff of the territory, but also to illustrate the aim of the manual, which will be used for the training of health workers in other endemic areas of the Country. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 23/4/2012)
