ASIA/CHINA - Formation for the laity of the parish of Xiang Yang: how to live Lent, the Year of Faith and One Hundred Years of the Diocese

Monday, 5 March 2012

Tian Jin (Agenzia Fides) - Five days of formation for the lay faithful active in the life of the ecclesial communities of the parish of Xiang Yang, of the Diocese of Tian Jin, which took place in the new Center for the Laity of the parish, from 28February to 3 March. As reported by Faith of He Bei to Fides, where 129 lay people active in the community, largely composed of immigrant workers, participated in the 5-day formation focused on the Gospel of Mark, to deepen the meaning of sanctification and the mission of evangelization of the laity. According to the pastor, "it is the first time we have organized a formation for active lay people. We chose the beginning of Lent just to connect the three main reasons for the initiative: to raise awareness about the meaning of Lent in sight of the Year of Faith, and through the participants, bring this awareness in their communities; invite everyone to take advantage of the new church and the 2 000 square meters structures, which we opened recently (due to industrial development, our church had in fact moved to this new location); and finally this year we celebrate 100 years of the foundation of the diocese and the formation improves the quality of faith, to build together a new window of evangelization of the Diocese of Tian Jin. "The parish has about 4,000 people. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 05/03/2012)
