AFRICA/EGYPT - Within the Tahrir Square protests violent groups have infiltrated

Friday, 3 February 2012

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - "After the Friday prayers we will see if there are other clashes. The feeling is that unfortunately there will be new clashes" say to Fides local sources from Cairo, where yesterday there were clashes in front of the Ministry of Interior. Also on Wednesday, February 2, in Suez two protesters were killed and 30 wounded during the protest for the death of 74 people two days ago in Port Said, at the end of a football match (see Fides 02/02/2012).
"Today the youth of Tahrir Square are no longer entirely the same as those that started the revolution that led to the downfall of Mubarak a year ago", explained the sources of Fides. "In Tahrir Square protests there are now more violent components associated and disillusioned about the future prospects of the Country. Within the groups that take to the streets to protest, there are also people who have been marked by the revolution: those who have lost family members, others have been injured or have suffered serious injuries. Therefore a spiral of revenge has been created, because those who have led the battle are still in power"
"We cannot finally rule out the presence of provocateurs to create disorder" continue the sources". It is an old trick: The more one creates the perception of chaos and the more people are willing to accept a restriction of civil freedoms in order to have guaranteed safety. This is to allow the extension of the emergency legislation that gives powers to the military, which still control the executive power".
In this framework, if the Muslim Brotherhood, that have won the elections for the Lower House, will also win the Senate, as likely, perhaps they will see one of their candidates become Head of State, therefore they prepare to govern the country. "Looking at the site of the Muslim Brotherhood –explains our source – one sees that they disassociate themselves from violence and tend again to revive the old interpretations according to which the disorders are caused by 'foreign hands'. It is a way of saying that those who are against the government are traitors. However brotherhood, not being in the government yet is in a middle position between the army and the rest of the population ", conclude the sources of Fides. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 03/02/2012)
